3790 E. Sunnyside Rd Idaho Falls, ID 83406 208-529-4931

Read Our Reviews from Top Rated Dealer In Idaho Falls, ID

Sunnyside Automotive Sunnyside Automotive
208-529-4931 $$$
Oct 4, 2023
I bought a couple vehicles here over the last few years. Great deals and excellent customer service! If you need repairs, their garage charges the lowest labor rates in town and do awesome work.
Sunnyside Automotive Sunnyside Automotive
208-529-4931 $$$
Oct 2, 2023
I always get my oil change here. They are quick and thorough. Can't beat there prices
Sunnyside Automotive Sunnyside Automotive
208-529-4931 $$$
Oct 2, 2023
Its great to see all our long standing customers. Sales , Service and Shine since 1959!!!
Sunnyside Automotive Sunnyside Automotive
208-529-4931 $$$
3 Testimonials
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